Friday, September 28, 2012

what crohns disease taught me about life

what did crohns disease teach me about life?

being diagnosed with a terrible chronic illness is not all bad lol, it can teaCH you alot about other people, and how creul or kind they can be.  It can teach you what is really important in life and in society. it taught me that every second of my life is fought to exist, that everythign i do or say coudl be my last word or action, and that this human existance can be a creul unfair experiance but still be the most beauitfull  life you ever lead. It taught me to appreciate every little thing. It taught me who cares and who doesnt it taught me how to be strong and how to face death and to live every breathe as my last, it taught me how important it is to me to leave my mark on society on this plain of existance. Crohns taught me how important pure uncensored self expression is to the human conciousness. 

it taught me that no matter how bad things hurt no mater how cruel that society cna be you dont give up you fight and you fight hard. for me with crohns came the urge to end my life, thsi is a controversial subject to many with crohns the struggle seems like alot but crohns taught me that its worth it i am worth it i am worth the struggle to exisit, i am nolonger suicidal, not today maybe tomarrow,i will struggle again but i will try as hard as i can to have a tomarrow. i is hard to have the depression and axiety so often not discussed that comes with chronic illness, it is one fo the most difficult thigns to overcome wakign up in pain and feelign liek yoru life has been stolen by diseaSE BUT IT HASNT!  you can still lead yoru life, crohns is a horrible disease but you can still live while your here.if peopel around you dont understand what your going thru its ok ,educate them!if they still judge you and dont udnerstand after you educate them on crohns and hwo effect syou then fuck them!  people can live happy, long lives that greatly impact this existance with crohns.our lives might be a little harder but dont give up! that may be the most important lesson that crohns disease taught me and thats to never give up hope! crohns disease taught me no matter how hard it gets, how negitive i feel sometimes, that people here on this earth do love me and need me to keep fighting and they love and need you too, never give up!!! here is a link to a site list national crisis help hotlines
i suggest to all that get diagnosed to join a facebook support group or soME other support group you are not alone! a good support group is ran by etan at!/groups/285912844844091/286645411437501/?comment_id=286670938101615&notif_t=group_comment_reply

even if we are in pain there are still the good days make the good days count and try to get past the bad days beaucse like that song "the sun will come up tomarrow" if you are having trouble dealing with your disease and coping with the diagnosis please seek help do not be ashamed of how you feel despite the lack of discussion around the subject it is common to feel sucidal/seriously depressed with a chronic illness and you might need to seek a counselor or phycitrist in your area. please do so you do not have to fight alone! millions of people fight crohns disease everyday and we are fighting with you holding your hand in spirit! in my blogs i will be discussing and bringing up controversial subjects, tabboos or unspoken things that people with crohns fight with every day!

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