Friday, September 28, 2012

art and crohns disease

I went on disability for my Crohn's after I got fired from repeated jobs. One being an awesome job I loved so much as an art therapist for severe Alzheimer's patients. Loved it so much I'm still devastated that I had to be fired. Jobs I have had , I have found do not like to work around diseases, unfortunately, especially diseases that make you throw up in the trash can at work often, apparently you cant do that because people suck, and think your contagious (Crohn's is not contagious idiots)and complain to the union who fire you. They don't like you to spend weeks in the hospital either and they certainly get really mean when you spend a long time repeatedly in the bathroom. Some places I worked for that fired me over and over. Do you know how devastating that is? huh? yeah it is, I loved that job so much damn lady firing me!! How rude! Then my old Dr said he thought working was causing a lot of stress on my disease and I didn't have health insurance and he thought I should go on disability and wrote this note and recommended I get a lawyer, so here I am, a disabled artist fighting to live a life with this lame ass chronic illness, that keeps fucking shit up. So I have no career. I'm what i call a professional patient, it s lame. Just so you know.
people think its so great to be disabled because you don't have to work, well its not. It fucking sucks and i hate it. people forget hello!!!! If your disabled your sick and in pain all the time and you cant do nothing that's why you cant work hello! It sucks! Trust me people a lot of you hate your jobs and working but when its taken away from you by a shitty ass lame disease then you realize what you lost, your damn career. Now i get to go to Dr's all the time. Lame that sucks!! Its like a job being sick!! You have to be at this Dr at this time. The Dr says you can't do this can't do that. Dr says you need to take this pill and eat this food or clear liquid diet or no solid food or no coffee no liqueur no this no that its lame dude. Dr's suck and you have to wait forever in their office and their receptionist is rude or nosy or wants your insurance card even though shes seen it ten thousand times and i always cant find the damn thing. The Dr never make s you better either at least not in the thousand times I've been there, there is no cure and another reason why being disabled sucks cause it does everything about it does but most of all it sucks because your sick and none of your (except Christi n Jake) friends or family understand what your disease is. They don't understand why your sick and always have to say the worst possible thing even if they don't mean it. They always wanna give you their damn advice. They don't know what they are talking about so yeah I hate Crohn's disease. I hate having it and I wish they would cure it so I can have my damn life back. I'd say that about does it for the first post. What do ya think? Chrystal... also big thankx to etan for editing this as well you rock!

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