Sunday, November 18, 2012

how rude!! the most unknowlegdeable judgements regarding ibd!

what is the most insulting rude thing someone has said to you about ibd? well i ask a group of ibd  paitents i know just that and a few other thigns as well here are some responces.....what was the thing said to you since being diagnosed with ibd that hurt you the most? what was the most unknowlegdeable judgement voiced to you regarding ibd?

I THINK THAT DUE TO THE LACK OF CROHNs and UC IN THE MEDIA AND OUR SOCIETIES DEPENDANCE ON THE MEDIA TO INFORM THEM THAT MOST PPL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IBD IS??i think we need to speak out and stop people from judgeing crohns and uc without the knowledge to do so!! its rude!!! so here my favorite rude!!! moments from real paitents peopel hurt with their creul ignorant mouths!! we think you should bite your tougue, especially if you have fuckin clue!!!! !  i think the top wtf how rude ibd moment issss......drum roll please!!!! "  shouldn't u be use to hurting all the time? Its called moans disease not crohns.." whoever said thta you shoudl feel pretty shittyy about yourself and had to have soem nerve to say that to someone!! get some caompassion people and educate yourselves before judgeing others, expecially on things they cannot controll like horrible diseases that fuck up your life! !! i think that society has really gone down hill that these things below are said to good beauitfull souls who just happen to be fighting diseases that the public doesnt seem to understand. so please if you have soemoen in yrou life fighting crohns or uc you need to be supportive hold their hand thru the pain and be nice for goodnesssake and please if yoru frustrated go read about these diseases and try to understand what yoru friend or family member is goin thru they need you right now and not to judge them!

i had someone close to me say recently that oh its just diarRea youll be fine its not that bad , i meaN YOU REALLy NEED To QUIT TAKIGN THOSE MEDS BEFORE THE DRS KILL YOU!

  • I had a supervisor tell me that there was nothing wrong with me and I was making myself sick.
  • I think the most insulting thing was "if you feel bad why dont you go to the drs?" Yeah cuz that never occurred to me in the 4 years I was living in constant pain. Like I didnt go to multiple drs, multiple ERs. a native american medicine name it I went to them but it finally came down to saying I cant afford 50 dollar copays for them to tell me I am fine go home. I may as well stay home and save the copay and gas money. I know it wasnt said to be mean but it made me feel like they thought I was too stupid to go to the drs.
  • I think the worst thing since I have been diagnosed (thank God finally diagnosed) has been well you should feel better now that you know what is wrong with you. Yep just like finding out you have cancer means you are cured just cuz that lump now has a name. Yeesh.
  • · Last week when my mums friend said 'oh you have crohns' and I said 'no I have UC' to which she said, 'well nothing serious then, could be worse you could actually be ill and have crohns!'
  • When Ӏ overheard my next door neighbours speaking in Afrikaans ( which Ӏ understand ) about the medicine (chronic) that gets delivered here every month. The husband said to the wife ( Ӏ weighed ten kg's less then Ӏ do now cos Ӏ was battling to eat) "there's nothing wrong with her she is a bloody anorexic and if she just stopped taking all those pills she would be fine.."

    Ӏ have explained Crohns to them.. They laughed .. As they have sub zero intelligence but unfortunately they spread a rumour about what they said around the complex Ӏ live in .. Ӏ now pretend they don't exist. :( nasty!

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